5 websites that will help you live more sustainably

5 websites that will help you live more sustainably

by Cecilia Dos Santos
house plants

Living more sustainably doesn’t have to be complicated, and there exist many websites out there that can help you live more sustainably. In this blog post, we will be featuring 5 of our favorite websites that can help you live more sustainably. From eco-conscious travel bloggers to zero-waste resources, we’ve got you covered. So whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or just learn more about responsible living, these websites are a great place to start!

Ecotourism World

Picture from ecotourism world

Ecotourism World was founded by Kaori Inagaki. She is a world traveler with more than 54 countries in her book. She has a master’s degree in eco-conscious tourism. Being passionate about eco-conscious tourism herself, she founded Ecotourism World to encourage travelers to make eco-conscious choices for themselves and the planet. Kaori holds the Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism issued by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

Ecotourism World is an informational platform that transmits information related to eco-conscious tourism in the world. It gives you some tips to organize your own trip more sustainable and suggestions for responsible destinations, eco-conscious hotels, and responsible activities.

So, if you want to get more into eco-conscious tourism and don’t know where to start, Ecotourism World is the perfect website to start with!

Visit the website here.

Tilted map

Picture of Ketti Wilhelm from Tiltedmap.com

Ketti has a master’s degree in sustainable business. She has lived in China. Italy and France, besides her home country, The United States. Besides that, she has spent significant time in Spain, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Nicaragua, and the Caribbean.

Her blog, tiltedmap.com, is a member of Tourism Declares A Climate Emergency, which means she’s working to make it into a climate-neutral travel blog. You can follow this process in her articles about reducing her carbon footprint from travel, and you can find everything from recipes to eco-conscious travel tips on the blog.

Ketti believes traveling more sustainably is not about perfection but about doing better.

Her blog is a mixture of fun travel stories, guides, detailed reviews of more sustainable and plastic-free products, and travel tips.

A must-follow, even if you don’t travel that much!

Visit the website here.

The Travel Book

Picture of Ras & Karo from Thetravelbook.com

Ras and Karo, the people behind The Travel Book, are two of the most dedicated people out there. They won the Truestory Content Award for the best travel blog of 2022, so we are not the only ones who are big fans of this blog!

Their content is dedicated to changing bad habits without compromising on quality, luxury, or great holiday experiences.

They want to inspire their followers to travel more eco-conscious and lower travelers’ impact on the environments they explore.

They take incredible pictures when they travel, so you should follow them if you want to travel more sustainably, if you want guides and inspiration for your next vacation, or if you want to look at breathtaking pictures from around the world.

Visit the website here.


Picture of Gittemary from Gittemary.com

Gittemary is a Danish blogger from Aalborg. She began her eco-conscious journey in 2015 but has been working full-time with eco-conscious content since 2019. She switched out impulse buts, fashion week, and must-haves for a zero-waste and plastic-free lifestyle.

Her blog is dedicated to helping others to reduce waste. You can find DIY guides, vegan recipes, and green recommendations on her blog. Gittemary also hosts lectures, classes, and workshops about her zero-waste lifestyle.

She has also just made a Ted Talk! It is called “How to Not Lose Hope.”

Visit her Instagram here.


Picture of Rebecca and Tommie from Bambuubrush.com

So, where do you start if you want to swap out some of your products? Visit Bambuubrush.com!

It all started with bamboo toothbrushes.

After years of living and working around the world and witnessing firsthand the impact plastic pollution is having on our planet, Rebecca and Tommie created @Bambuubrush to combat plastic pollution and give back to those who are vulnerable.

Did you know that 3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes are sold worldwide each year?

They aim to educate, inspire, and empower people to make simple swaps in their everyday lives to combat plastic pollution—one step at a time.

Visit the website here.

We hope you will check out these five websites and that you find the information helpful as you work to live more sustainably. It can be tricky making the right eco-conscious choices, but by working together, we can take care of this fantastic planet. So let’s get started! What tips do you have for living a more sustainable life?

Thank you for reading! 

Remember, being a responsible traveler involves choosing responsible operators, supporting local communities, and minimizing your environmental impact wherever you travel. Always research and prioritize destinations, operators, and hotels that prioritize conservation. 

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