One Booking = One Tree

One Booking = One Tree

by Rubi Sarwar
A picture of willow trees

When you book your travel with, not only do you get a unique travel experience, but you also help plant trees. is proud to partner with Saltoftegård to help us achieve our goal. When you book your hotel with us, we will plant one tree in your honor.

One Booking = One Tree

One of our key initiatives is reforestation. Forests play a key role in our environment, maintaining the global balance of carbon dioxide and biodiversity. To help reverse climate change, we have planted 25.000 willow trees so far at Saltofte Gård, Denmark. Willows are great trees to plant because they have a cyclic life cycle. They also absorb a lot of carbon dioxide within a year.

The cyclic life cycle means the trees are cut down after 6-10 years. The stems from these trees create 5-6 cuttings per tree. These cuttings will then grow into new trees – starting a new life cycle. These stem cuttings absorb 5-6 times greater amounts of CO2 than the original stem. This cycle runs four times, which is equivalent to 30-40 years before it is necessary to replant willow trees.

Saltoftegård planting trees

Saltoftegård is a piece of land located in Saltofte in Denmark. Here, you will find 400 hectares of private forest, diverse nature and fields. Saltoftegård. They have several environmentally friendly practices in place, such as being supplied with renewable energy from solar panels, having Co2 neutral heating, and local woodcarvers make all signs in wood from Saltoftegård’s plantation and forest.

An ambition of Saltofte is to double the forest area in Denmark. By working to secure the propagation of the forest areas, we are ensuring that the biodiversity in the areas of Saltofte will flourish. 

Read more about here.

Let’s plant a forest and support our ecosystem together. Book your next hotel stay here!

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